كونى النوع الصحيح من المُبالغة بهذه الأنواع الرائعة من الايشادو اللامع
Sephora Collection Colorful Eyeshadow
Amazon Auto Links: 429: Too Many Requests ; TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
تأتى هذه التركيبة المجربة بالفعل والعالية الصبغة فى ثمانية ألوان لامعة مختلفة.
Make Up For Ever Glitters2
Amazon Auto Links: 429: Too Many Requests ; TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
تلك الجُسيمات فائقة النعومة يمكنك أن تضعيها وحدها أو على الايشادو الخاص بكِ.
Stila Magnificent Metals Glitter & Glow Liquid Eye Shadow
Amazon Auto Links: 429: Too Many Requests ; TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
يأتى ملمع العينين الخارق هذا فى انبوب مع قوام مثل السيرم مما يُسهل طلاء الجفنين.
Obsessive Compulsive Cosmetics Loose Glitter
Amazon Auto Links: 429: Too Many Requests ; TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
هذه الجسيمات الامعة الدقيقة ستبرز في الصور بالفعل وتأتي فى 18 لوناً بارزاً.
Urban Decay Moondust Eyeshadow
Amazon Auto Links: 429: Too Many Requests ; TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
إذا كنتِ فى الطريق فتركيبة تلك البودرة المضغوطة المقاومة للسكب تمكنك من وضعها باستخدام اصابعك فقط.
NARS Single Eye Shadow
Amazon Auto Links: 429: Too Many Requests ; TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
تلك الجسيمات الفضية تضيف فقط لمسة وميض لوقت النهار.
The Estee Edit Metallishadow Crème + Powder
Amazon Auto Links: 429: Too Many Requests ; TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
هذه العبوة المليئة تحتوي على كريم الايشادو الغير لامع وايضآ البودرة السائبة الامعة لاسلوب مميز.
MAC Glitter
Amazon Auto Links: 429: Too Many Requests ; TooManyRequests: The request was denied due to request throttling. Please verify the number of requests made per second to the Amazon Product Advertising API.
تمتاز هذه الحبيبات الامعة ثلاثية الابعاد من ماك بتأثيرها القوى و تعطي بريق عالي و عمق.
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